Wednesday, February 25, 2009

New Blog, Same Address!

Hi everyone, I am back after a year of not blogging. Suddenly felt like blogging. Maybe to share what i have been doing and what God has been doing to me.

Ever since i ended my attachment in mid-january, i have been enjoying my life. Went for a 10day malaysia trip straight after. enjoyed it, But missed my friends and everything back home. Can't imagine going for missions man. HAHA. After coming back, have been floating around, volunteering in church office, catching up with friends, attending everything that will keep me occupied and so on.. Will be enlisting into army on the 24th of April.

Firstly i thank God for the wonderful youths in my region man. Everyone has been nice, not mean. haha. Ever since the net multiplication, my net has been having an attendence of 3. Despite that. i have faith that soon. i'll have a meeting with everyone present. We had worship our second net without any instruments. i lead, and i think it was bad. haha. 'Zao sia' all the way man. Need to learn Guitar man. Have been having a fun time hanging out with the youths whenever they are free. Nice.

I had a car accident 2 weeks back. It was my bad, i collided with a van and to cut teh long story short, it swerved 180degree. How bad it looked? you go figure out. But the amazing thing, Nobody was hurt and the damages were just dents and scratches on both cars. Praise God man! God is Great. Imagine i banged into a motorcycle...

I want to go missions, after my NS. Hopefully Africa! :)

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